One-Year Certificate for Well Operators Offered
Fairmont State Community & Technical College announces two orientation meetings about
a new one-year certificate program for well operators beginning for the fall 2005
One orientation meeting will be held at Lewis County High School, 205 Minuteman Way,
Weston, W.Va. A second orientation meeting will be held at the Calhoun Gilmer Career
Center, 5326 East Little Kanawha Highway, Grantsville, W.Va. Both orientation meetings
will be held on Saturday, June 11, beginning at 10 a.m. at each location.
The Independent Oil and Gas Association (IOGA) and the West Virginia Oil and Natural
Gas Association (WVONGA) have initiated an effort to train candidates for entry into
the oil and gas industry in partnership with the West Virginia Council for Community
& Technical College Education and WorkForce West Virginia. This initiative has resulted
in the development of a one-year well operator certificate program being offered through
selected state community and technical colleges whose service regions encompass oil
and natural gas production areas.
The purpose of the June 11 orientation meetings is to provide interested individuals
information about entry level job opportunities with the oil and gas industry, an
overview of the well operator job, information on job requirements for the well operator
position, info on admission requirements for the well operator one-year certificate
and an overview of financial aid available to potential students.
Questions about the orientation meeting can be directed to the FSC&'s Center for
Workforce Education at (304) 367-4920, the FSC&TC's Lewis County Center at (304) 269-6389
or the Calhoun Gilmer Career Center at (304) 354-6151.