QuickBooks Seminar for Non-Profits Planned
A two-day accounting seminar focused on using QuickBooks as a financial management
tool for non-profit organizations is planned to be held at the Fairmont State Center
for Workforce Education in April.
"QuickBooks: Premier Nonprofit Edition 2005" provides the customization non-profits
need to streamline day-to-day activities, as well as the reports and forms they most
commonly use. Non-profits have unique financial tasks such as handling donations and
grants, non-profit taxes and fundraising. This version helps them manage all their
finances easily and accurately. The program works well for:
Religious organizations
Educational institutions
Human services
Any other tax exempt entity.
This two-part QuickBooks workshop series is scheduled for April 11 and 12 from 8:30
a.m.-3 p.m. at the FSC&TC Regional SBDC, 320 Adams St., Fairmont. For more information,
call (304) 367-4920. The cost for the workshop is $350. The registration fee may be
eligible for reimbursement through the Small Business Workforce grant program. Checks
should be made payable to the FSC&TC Regional SBDC. This training session is open
to the public and is being conducted by the Fairmont State Community & Technical College
Regional Small Business Development Center.
As seating is limited, persons interested in attending the seminar should pre-register
by calling (304) 367-4920.
The SBDC is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration though such
funding does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement of any of the co-sponsors
or participants opinions, products or services. All SBDC workshops are co-sponsored
by the West Virginia Development Office. Special arrangements for the handicapped
can be made by contacting the SBDC at (304) 367-4920, at least one week in advance.