FS Hosts Regional Science Fair
Students from Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison and Marion counties participated in the
North Central West Virginia Science, Energy and Engineering Fair at Fairmont State
on Friday, March 4, and Saturday, March 5.
Ninety-four entrants were judged in the Junior Division (sixth- through ninth-grades),
and 91 entrants were judged in the Senior Division (10th- through 12th-grades).
The nine categories for entries (with a Junior and Senior Division for each) were
energy, engineering; botany; zoology; chemistry and biochemistry; earth and space
science; physics, math and computers; medicine, health and microbiology; and behavioral
and social sciences.
The judging took place March 5 with an awards ceremony that afternoon. First, second
and third places and an honorable mention were given in most categories.
FS faculty, staff and students assisting with the science fair were the following:
Kimberly Murphy, Donald Trisel, Marti Miller, Matt Scanlon, Andreas Baur, Don Tobin,
Yi Wang, Tadashi Kato, Tom Stose, Jim Goodwin, Mark Flood, Bonnie Freeman, Gene Turchin,
Suellen Hill, Valentin Brimkov, Jim Dunlevy, Harry Baxter, Susan Goodwin, Ted LaRue,
Steve Haynes, Erica Harvey, Randy Baker, Joe Riesen, Phil Mason and Dwight Harris.
Also assisting were Paricia Harris of Alderson-Broaddus College and Steven McClelland
of the W.Va. Geological & Economic Survey.
For more information, call (304) 367-4714.