FS to Host Workshop for Health Educators
Fairmont State will host an educational workshop titled "Meeting the Needs of Special
Education Students in Human Sexuality Education" on Monday, March 14. This event will
provide educational training on human sexuality education for teachers and administrators
dealing with special education/special needs students.
The event will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Multi-media Room A of the Ruth
Ann Musick Library. All educators and administrators working with special needs students
will find this training invaluable.
"It is a fantastic opportunity for Fairmont State to host this particular training,"
said Beverly Michael, event coordinator.
"As one of the state's leading teacher-training institutions, this event will promote
FS as a leader in teacher-training focusing on the needs of special populations. To
date, 48 of the nation's 50 states have provided this training for their teachers;
many have been so pleased with the results that they have repeated it several times.
It is fortunate that the West Virginia Department of Education agreed to collaborate
with FS by sponsoring this trainer and providing this workshop for the state's educators."
This training will provide attendees with background on the need and importance of
sexuality education targeting special populations, an area often overlooked in most
preservice teacher training programs. It will focus on issues that drive the scope
and sequence of a special population's comprehensive human sexuality education curriculum.
Attendees will be provided and experience a sampling of teaching techniques/strategies
for comprehensive human sexuality education that have been specifically adapted and
modified for various special populations from grade levels 6-12. An overview of the
scope and sequence of the sexuality curriculum for special populations will include:
Physical Growth and Development
Personal Relationships
Emotional Development
Sexual Relationships
Abuse and Violence
Parenthood Education
The presenter of the program will be Dr. Darrel Lang, HIV/AIDS Human Sexuality Education
Program Coordinaotr for the Kansas Department of Education. He is a nationally recognized
speaker and health educator.
"Dr. Lang's public school teaching experience, his extensive knowledge in health,
sexuality education and sexuality education for special populations is equal to his
talent as an exciting, innovative presenter," Michael said. " believe attendees will
be thrilled with the experience."
For more information, contact the campus coordinator Beverly Michael, health educator
in the Health and Human Performance Department, at (304) 367-4274. Event registration
is being handled through the West Virginia Department of Education office. Because
involvement is restricted to the first 50 registrants, participation is limited to
a first-come, first-served basis. To date there may be one or two spots still open.
Interested individuals may contact:
Rebecca King
HIV/AIDS/STD Prevention Coordinator
Office of Student Services and Health Promotion
Bldg 6, Room 309, 1900 Kanawha Blvd., Charleston, WV 25305
Phone: (304) 558-8830
Fax: (304) 558-3787
Email: rjking@access.k12.wv.us