Fast Track Jobs Orientation Planned
Fairmont State Community & Technical College will hold a free orientation and information
session about "Fast Track Jobs" training programs at 1 p.m. Thursday, April 7.
The Community and Technical College System of West Virginia initiated this program
for West Virginians "Fast Track Jobs" based on models from other states. Fast Track
Jobs are training programs that can be completed in 90 days or less.
Currently FSC&TC offers the following Fast Track Jobs training programs: Certified
Procedural (Professional) Coder and the National Hardwood Lumber Association Lumber
Grader Training Program.
This information session will be at FSC&TC's Center for Workforce Education, 320
Adams St., Suite GO1, Fairmont. Representatives from Fairmont State will be on hand
to answer questions and provide assistance to attendees.
For more information, contact FSC&TC's Center for Workforce Education at (304) 367-4920.