About Impact


Donna J. Long

Editor & Non-Fiction Editor

Donna J. Long has served as Editor-in-Chief of Kestrel since 2008. Her own poems have been published in many journals, including The Southern Review, Clockhouse, Appalachian Heritage, and Fourth River, which nominated “Eleventh Grade English Oral” for a Pushcart Prize. She is Professor of English at Fairmont State University

Elizabeth Savage

Poetry Editor

Elizabeth Savage has served as Kestrel’s poetry editor since 2008. She is a feminist critic and poet whose recent work appears or is forthcoming in Court Green, Hotel Amerika, Shenandoah, Journal of Modern Literature, and Humanities.

Robert Powers

Fiction Editor

Robert Powers is an Assistant Professor of English at Fairmont State University where he teaches creative writing, literature, and professional writing. His stories and essays have appeared in numerous journals including Wigleaf, X-R-A-Y, Grist, Sou'wester, Orca, Salamander, World Literature Today, Able Muse, and JMWW among others.

Nathan Myers

Reviews Editor

Nathan Myers is Professor of English. He joined Fairmont State’s faculty in 2015.

Suzanne Heagy

Fiction Editor-Emeritus

Suzanne Heagy currently resides in Milwaukee, where she writes a monthly column for the Gloria Sirens, https://thegloriasirens.com/, a women’s blog collective. Her latest publication is the story, “Living in the Great Pause,” in Midwest Review, and she is working on a novel.

Mia Yeager


Zachary Summers
