Out-of-State Traditions Impact

Out-of-State Traditions

Additional Dollars to Cover Your Tuition/Fees

As a good neighbor, Fairmont State University wants to reward students who live outside of West Virginia for the hard work they have done in high school. A degree from Fairmont State can boost you to your next step – whether that is a career or graduate school.

Fairmont State prides itself on offering a wide variety of high quality academic programs at an affordable cost. The Out-of-State Traditions Scholarship gives students, like you, the opportunity to reduce your tuition cost even more.

Scholarship recipients will receive from  $750 to $4,500 scholarship which will be applied to their tuition. The scholarship is awarded for a total of 8 consecutive semesters, or graduation, whichever may come first. To see which level you may be eligible for and the renewal criteria, see below.  

Scholarship funds are limited, so complete your admissions file today.

To Be Considered for the Scholarship You Must:

  • Be entering Fairmont State University as a first-time freshman (no prior college beyond high school).
  • Live outside of West Virginia. 
  • Complete your Fairmont State admissions file (general application, high school transcript) by August 1st. Applications completed after April 1st will be considered based on available funding. 

How Do I Qualify?

Level GPA Award
Victory Bell Scholarship 4.0 (+) $4,500 Annually
Columns Scholarship 3.75 $3,000 Annually
Kestrel Scholarship 3.5 $2,250 Annually
College on the Hill Scholarship 3.25 $1,500 Annually
Maroon & White Scholarship 3.0 $750 Annually


How Do I Renew the Scholarship?

  • An overall GPA of 3.0 is required for renewal at the end of each acadmic year and during subsequent years.
  • A minimum of 30 credit hours must be earned each academic year of enrollment (fall, spring, and summer).
  • The award is for a maximum of eight semesters or graduation whichever comes first.

Why Fairmont State?

  • You seek state-of-the-art facilities.
  • You’re interested in unique programs.
  • You want flexible options that allow you to choose the best path to your educational goals.
  • You dream about seeing the world and opportunities to study abroad.
  • You learn best from expert, caring faculty.
  • You’d like to have personal attention from your academic adviser.
  • You believe in giving back through community service.
  • You know learning happens inside and outside of the classroom.
  • You’ll find a campus that’s large enough to offer lots to do but small enough to keep you from getting lost in the crowd.