Click on a route for a map to appear. Double click the map to zoom in.
Robin's RouteRosemary's Round-aboutShana's Suggested StrollTina's Safety TrailWalk for Your Charity Course Detailed Map of Campus
Happy Holidays from Fairmont State University. The University is closed from 4 p.m. Friday, December 20 through Thursday, January 2. Fairmont State will reopen on Friday, January 3.
Tired of walking or running the same old routes?
Try choosing from one of our many routes below:
Click on a route for a map to appear. Double click the map to zoom in.
Robin's RouteRosemary's Round-aboutShana's Suggested StrollTina's Safety TrailWalk for Your Charity Course Detailed Map of Campus
Since everyone walks, it’s easy to take for granted. And that’s exactly what the transportation planning profession has done — with rather unfortunate results. Consider: