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HAPPY HOLIDAYS — Fairmont State University is closed for Winter Break

Happy Holidays from Fairmont State University. The University is closed from 4 p.m. Friday, December 20 through Thursday, January 2. Fairmont State will reopen on Friday, January 3.

View the Falcon Center Winter Break Hours

Jogging-Walking Routes Impact

Jogging-Walking Routes

Tired of walking or running the same old routes?
Try choosing from one of our many routes below:

Campus Routes

Did You Know?

Since everyone walks, it’s easy to take for granted. And that’s exactly what the transportation planning profession has done — with rather unfortunate results. Consider:

Walking Frequency

  • Walking is by far the most popular form of physical activity in the United States.
  • Although 41% of all trips made in the United States are one mile or less, fewer than 10% of all trips are made by walking and biking.
  • Among students living within 1 mile of school, the percentage of walkers fell from 90% to 31% between 1969 and 2001.
  • According to the CDC, only 13% of children walk to school today compared with 66% in 1970.[3]
  • Parents driving children to school comprise 20-30% of morning traffic congestion in urban areas.
  • Children on a walking school bus walk at about 2 miles per hour, which is half the rate of a typical young adult. The average person takes 2,000 steps per mile. 

Walking and Health

  • According to the CDC , 33% of U.S. adults are classified as obese (BMI≥30), compared to 15% in the 1970s.
  • Brisk walking (≥3.5 mph) has been shown to reduce body fat, lower blood pressure, increase high-density lipoprotein, and even reduce risks of bone fracture.
  • Brisk walking has also been associated with lower mortality rates from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
  • 21% to 34% of U.S. adults meet public health recommendations (5 times per week for at least 30 minutes) for physical activity by walking.
  • In the last 40 years, childhood obesity has increased 5-fold for kids age 6-11.
  • Providing ideal conditions for walking is illegal in most suburban communities.