Administration Contact Information Impact

Administration Contact Information

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Building names & abbreviations are listed at the bottom of the page.

Title Phone Office Name
Office of the President (304) 367-4151 HB 222 Dr. Michael Davis
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs (304) 367-4101 HB 210 Dr. Susan Ross
Director of Athletics (304) 367-4220 FC 301 Mr. Greg Bamberger
Senior Director of Communications, Marketing, and Creative Services (304) 367- 4047 TC 225 Mr. Dan Shea
Dean of Graduate Studies and Professional Education (304) 368-4098 JH 206C Dr. Mary Sortino
Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships (304) 367-4826 TC 318 Ms. Heather Yoke
Interim Director of Library Services (304) 367-4122 LI Ms. Sharon Mazure
Director of Admissions (304) 367-4066 TC 105 Ms. Summer Boggess
Registrar (304) 367-4141 HB 218 Ms. Lori Schoonmaker


BP Bryant Place
CH Colebank Hall
CPC Charles Pointe Center
EC Erickson Alumni Center
ED Ed, Health Careers, Home Econ
ET Engineering Tech Building
FAL Falcon Center
FC Feaster Center
HB Hardway Hall
HH Hunt Haught Hall
JH Jaynes Hall
LI Library
MOR Morrow Hall
MT Robert C Byrd Aerospace Center Bridgeport, WV
PEN Pence Hall
PP Physical Plant
PRI Prichard Hall
TC Turley Student Services Center
WH Wallman Hall