Please Email Directory Questions/Comments to: Directory
Building names & abbreviations are listed at the bottom of the page.
Title | Phone | Office | Name |
Office of the President | (304) 367-4151 | HB 222 | Dr. Michael Davis |
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs | (304) 367-4101 | HB 210 | Dr. Susan Ross |
Director of Athletics | (304) 367-4220 | FC 301 | Mr. Greg Bamberger |
Senior Director of Communications, Marketing, and Creative Services | (304) 367- 4047 | TC 225 | Mr. Dan Shea |
Dean of Graduate Studies and Professional Education | (304) 368-4098 | JH 206C | Dr. Mary Sortino |
Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships | (304) 367-4826 | TC 318 | Ms. Heather Yoke |
Interim Director of Library Services | (304) 367-4122 | LI | Ms. Sharon Mazure |
Director of Admissions | (304) 367-4066 | TC 105 | Ms. Summer Boggess |
Registrar | (304) 367-4141 | HB 218 | Ms. Lori Schoonmaker |
BP | Bryant Place |
CH | Colebank Hall |
CPC | Charles Pointe Center |
EC | Erickson Alumni Center |
ED | Ed, Health Careers, Home Econ |
ET | Engineering Tech Building |
FAL | Falcon Center |
FC | Feaster Center |
HB | Hardway Hall |
HH | Hunt Haught Hall |
JH | Jaynes Hall |
LI | Library |
MOR | Morrow Hall |
MT | Robert C Byrd Aerospace Center Bridgeport, WV |
PEN | Pence Hall |
PP | Physical Plant |
PRI | Prichard Hall |
TC | Turley Student Services Center |
WH | Wallman Hall |