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The Civics Institute Impact

The Civics Institute

Mission Statement

The Civics Institute at Fairmont State University is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of civic duties and encouraging active participation in democratic processes. We aim to equip students and community members with resources to cultivate informed, responsible and engaged citizens to shape a just and equitable society.

Information about the Civics Institute

The Civics Institute at Fairmont State University focuses on promoting civic engagement and education among students and communities. Its role involves developing and implementing programs that foster an understanding of democratic principles, encourage active participation in the political process, and enhance knowledge about government and civic responsibilities. By collaborating with the American Democracy Project, the institute contributes to a broader effort to strengthen democratic practices and improve civic literacy across the Fairmont State University Campus and the broader Fairmont community

Contact Us

Samantha Godbey, PhD

Samantha Godbey

Director of Civics Institute
 105 Hardway Hall