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University Committees Impact

University Committees

President Mike Davis has established a number of standing and ad hoc committees to provide policy recommendations on matters of university-wide importance.

Members are selected for service on university committees to ensure representation by all campus constituencies: students, faculty, and staff. Brief descriptions of the committees, along with links to their webpages and charters, can be found below.

An aerial photo of campus showing Hardway, Turley and more

Campus Carry Committee

President Davis established the Campus Carry Committee (CCC) in Fall 2023 to recommend a comprehensive and ideologically neutral approach to Fairmont State University’s compliance with the Campus Self-defense Act by July 1, 2024. The 14-member committee is comprised of students, faculty, and staff.

Learn more about the work of the Campus Carry Committee


Compensation and Classification Committee

The Compensation and Classification Committee was established in Summer 2024 to plan and initiate a study of how the university classifies positions and compensates employees. The results will recommend how to eliminate inequities and benchmark future salaries against West Virginia public regional universities.

Learn more about the work of the Compensation and Classification Committee

Confident focused businesswoman, teacher or mentor coach speaking to business people at negotiations
Folders with the labels policies, compliance, regulations, procedures, revisions,  and documentation

Policies and Procedures Committee

After the Board of Governors decided to revise Policy 50, the “Policy on Policies” at their February 2024 meeting, President Davis moved to establish the Board Policies and Administrative Procedures Committee. The body will be charged with recommending greater clarity and distinction between Board and Administrative responsibilities, identifying gaps in guidance, recommending updates to existing policies and proposing new procedures.

Learn more about Board Policies and Administrative Procedures


Strategic Planning Process Committee

President Davis kicked-off a new strategic planning process in November 2023. To guide this effort, he established the Strategic Planning Process Committee (SPPC). The SPCC represents faculty, staff, and students from across the institution. These passionate, professional colleagues contribute invaluable insights and give voice to all campus constituencies.

Learn more about the work of the Strategic Planning Process Committee

Pres. Davis giving a presentation