The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs,
learning environments and support services, and it evaluates their effectiveness in
fulfilling its mission. The rigor and quality of each educational program is consistent
regardless of modality, location or other differentiating factors.
3.A. Educational Programs
The institution maintains learning goals and outcomes that reflect a level of rigor
commensurate with college-level work, including by program level and the content of
each of its educational programs.
3.B. Exercise of Intellectual Inquiry
The institution’s educational programs engage students in collecting, analyzing and
communicating information; in practicing modes of intellectual inquiry or creative
work; and in developing skills adaptable to changing environments.
3.C. Sufficiency of Faculty and Staff
The institution has the faculty and staff needed for effective, high-quality programs
and student services.
3.D. Support for Student Learning and Resources for Teaching
The institution provides student support services that address the needs of its student
populations, as well as the teaching resources and infrastructure necessary for student
3.E. Assessment of Student Learning
The institution improves the quality of educational programs based on its assessment
of student learning.
3.F. Program Review
The institution improves its curriculum based on periodic program review.
3.G. Student Success Outcomes
The institution’s student success outcomes demonstrate continuous improvement, taking
into account the student populations it serves and benchmarks that reference peer