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Tips for a Successful Spring 2022 Impact
Fairmont State News

Tips for a Successful Spring 2022

Jan 14, 2022

The spring semester is now in full swing, which means it’s time to dust off your school supplies, prioritize homework assignments and start creating effective study tactics. To help members of our Falcon Family on their quest to getting the most out of the remainder of the academic year, we turned to Vice President for Student Success, Ken Fettig, for some useful advice.  

“It’s officially 2022, and with that comes a fresh start, lots of opportunity and talk of new year’s resolutions,” said Fettig. “That inspires me to think about the small first steps we can take and the positive habits that we can start building right now.”  

Fettig highlighted four key strategies that students can use to help optimize their learning and productivity:   

  • Start good academic habits this week! Don’t unnecessarily miss class sessions, stay up to date on assignments and check your email every day. If you do miss a day, don’t let it be two in a row. The more these things back up on you, the more overwhelming the semester can feel. Even if you’re not spending long periods of time on homework and studying, daily work builds those academic muscles to keep you in the right rhythm. 

  • Get involved! Find a club sport, program, activity or student organization to be a part of this semester. Your participation, time and effort is going to mean a lot to your community and to others. 

  • Hang around! Instead of being alone in a private area, spend time studying, doing work and hanging out in common areas within residence halls, academic buildings, the Falcon Center or the library. Just being “out there” is important to your wellbeing. 

  • Be physically active! When the weather’s nice, spend time out on our beautiful campus, or, if not, in the Falcon Center on the walking track, the gyms or the fitness centers. Physical activity is key to a healthy body, brain and life. 


Ken Fettig