The links and instructions below apply ONLY to Fairmont State Employees. Applicants, please visit our online employment system, to review and apply to job postings.
Happy Holidays from Fairmont State University. The University is closed from 4 p.m. Friday, December 20 through Thursday, January 2. Fairmont State will reopen on Friday, January 3.
The links and instructions below apply ONLY to Fairmont State Employees. Applicants, please visit our online employment system, to review and apply to job postings.
Welcome to the Employee and Hiring Manager resource page. These toolkits contain instructions for the various tasks a hiring manager and employee complete relating to Online Hires, Position Descriptions, and Staff Performance Evaluations.
Remember this site is for authorized employee use only. If you are a Staff/FEAP employee or a Faculty/Staff Hiring Manager and do not already have a user account, please visit the Hiring Manger Toolkit. If you have any questions about receiving authorization to use the Hiring Manager System, please contact the Human Resources Office at 304-367-4111.