Committee Descriptions Impact

Committee Descriptions

Elected Standing Committees

Members of these committees are elected by Academic Units in odd/even years for a two-year term

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee reviews initials decisions concerning curriculum change as reported by the Academic Vice President; hears any appeals from Deans, Chairpersons, or other members of the Faculty concerning disposition of curriculum proposals; undertakes research into the successes and failures of the University curriculum; and develops policy guidelines that will assist the University in curriculum development. All four functions of the Committee result in recommendations reported to the Faculty Senate for final action. The Associate Provost for Academic Affairs serves as an ex-officio member.

Faculty Development Committee

The Faculty Development Committee publicizes and solicits applications for Faculty Development grants and awards, and selects the recipients for final approval by the President of the University. The Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence serves as an ex-officio member.

General Studies Committee

The General Studies Committee reviews courses submitted for inclusion in the General Studies curriculum; creates and oversees the outcomes governing the General Studies curriculum and the listing of courses fulfilling them in the University catalog; manages assessment data on the effectiveness of the General Studies curriculum and compile reports on this annually; and conducts a review of the General Studies program every five years to ensure that the program meets the standards of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and other outside accreditors. All four functions of the committee result in recommendations reported to the Faculty Senate for final action. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and the Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence serve as ex-officio members.

Library Committee

The Library Committee studies library needs in view of the academic program;  advises the librarian on matters of general library policy, the development of library resources, allocation of library budget, and upon means which may best integrate the library program with other academic activities of the University; and serves as a liaison group between the faculty and the librarian. The Director of the Library serves as an ex-officio member.

Presidential Perception Survey Committee

The Presidential Perception Survey Committee reviews the Presidential Perception Survey instrument and process of administration, and recommends any changes to the Faculty Senate; administers the distribution of the approved survey instrument to the full-time faculty; compiles the results of the survey; and reports survey findings to the Faculty Senate.

Voluntary Standing Committees

Interested faculty may volunteer to serve for a two-year term

Academic Appeals Board

The Academic Appeals Board conducts an impartial investigation of any charges by students of prejudicial or capricious evaluation and recommends appropriate action. Grade appeals have been presented to the School or College Dean, Associate Dean, and/or Chair and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs prior to the presentation to the Academic Appeals Board.

Admissions and Credits Committee

The Admissions and Credits Committee serves as a Faculty Advisory group to the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Admissions. In this capacity, the Committee reviews general University policies adopted by these offices and recommends any appropriate changes. This Committee is empowered to act upon individual cases involving admission, readmission, retention, and credits of students and also to render judgment on petitions for grade changes submitted by faculty and administration. The Registrar, the Director of Admissions and Recruiting, and Associate Provost shall be ex-officio members.

Athletics Committee

The Athletics Committee reviews and recommends policies; advises the President and the Athletic Director in the determination and maintenance of high standards of performance by the institution in this specialized area; acts as a liaison between faculty, students and administration; monitors the athletic budget allocations and inter-collegiate schedules; and periodically reviews compliance with WVIAC, NCAA, and Title IX policies and regulations. The Director of Athletics and the University NCAA Academic Representative shall be ex-officio members.

Faculty Personnel Committee

The Faculty Personnel Committee makes recommendations through the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to the University President on professional personnel concerning tenure, promotion in rank, and sabbaticals; and handles business directed to it by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Only tenured faculty members holding at least the rank of Professor are eligible to serve on this committee.  The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs serves as an ex-officio member.

Faculty Welfare Committee

The Faculty Welfare Committee recommends programs for the welfare of the faculty. The Assistant Vice President for Human Resources serves as an ex-officio member.

Institutional Review Board

The Institutional Review Board functions as the official institutional agency for insuring the ethical and legal use of humans and animals in the normal course of research conducted by any individuals affiliated with the institution.

International Education Committee

The International Education Committee investigates, promotes, and coordinates all phases of international education among students and faculty. In addition to interested faculty members, the Associate Provost, the International Student Advisor, one student chosen by the Student Government, and one international student chosen by the International Student Advisor serve on this committee.

Legislative Advocacy Committee

The Legislative Advocacy Committee informs faculty concerning higher education legislation as it is proposed and as it proceeds through the legislative process; disseminates membership lists of legislative committees and addresses of pertinent legislators; works in cooperation with similar committees on the other state college and university campuses; and surveys and collates information and opinions of faculty and forwards them to the Advisory Council of Faculty for inclusion in proposed legislative packages. The faculty representatives to the Board of Governors and Advisory Council of Faculty, and the Assistant to the President serve as ex-officio members.

Student Financial Aid Appeals Committee

The Student Financial Aid Appeals Committee makes recommendations to approve or deny financial aid appeals related to the student financial aid program; and/or makes recommendations to the Financial Aid ex-officio member in attendance. The Director of Financial Aid or appointee serves as an ex-officio member.