PDS Site-Based Coordinator - The coordinator serves as the “point person” for teacher education and professional
development coordination between Fairmont State and their PDS. This person is selected
by the school/and or school administration and assumes a myriad of roles and responsibilities
in collaboration with the university and their PDS.
- Barrackville Elementary
- Kimberly Kettler
- nkettler@k12.wv.us
- Kimberly Kettler
- Barrackville Middle
- Kimberly Kettler
- nkettler@k12.wv.us
- Kimberly Kettler
- Big Elm Elementary
- Blackshere Elementary
- Korrie Mclain
- kdmclain@k12.wv.us
- Bridgeport High
- Marsha Coakley
- mcoakley@k12.wv.us
- Marsha Coakley
- Bridgeport Middle
- Bruceton School
- Melissa Kent
- mkent@k12.wv.us
- Cheat Lake Elementary
- Bethany Sowards
- bsowards@k12.wv.us
- East Dale Elementary
- Debbie Wilson
- dwilson@k12.wv.us
- East Fairmont High
- Tenishia Amos
- tamos@k12.wv.us
- East Fairmont Middle
- Ashley Carpenter
- ashley.carpenter@k12.wv.us
- East Park Elementary
- Julie Neissner
- jlemorri@k12.wv.us
- Fairmont Senior High
- Amanda Walker
- awalker@k12.wv.us