Academic Programs Impact

Academic Programs

The Department of Accounting is dedicated to providing students with the necessary skills to enter today's workforce, to attain certification, and/or to pursue graduate education. Our program emphasizes practical, hands-on experience in a student-centered environment.

Bachelor of Science

The mission of the Architecture Program is to educate aspiring architects to be creative thinkers who pursue architecture as an integrative process. Design, history, theory, culture, sustainability, and the realities of practice are interpreted both within the unique character and dynamics of the Appalachian region and within the modern global community. The program focuses on the making of architecture and urban interventions within the fabric of smaller American towns and cities in the greater Appalachian region.

Bachelor of Science

Students who enter the Art Education program at Fairmont State University will be have a number of exciting specialized classes in addition to their general studies requirements.
Art Education

Bachelor of Arts in Education

Students who enter the Art program at Fairmont State University will have a number of exciting specialized classes in addition to their general studies requirements.
Art History

Minor Only

The Automation and Robotics Minor provides students with a foundation in the professional study and practice of programming, using, and working with industrial robots and the industrial automation systems used in the manufacturing environment. 
Automation and Robotics

Minor Only

The main objective of the Fairmont State University Aviation Center of Excellence is to educate aspiring pilots to be well-rounded aviation professionals. Our goal is to graduate not just a pilot but also an exceptional aviator.

Concentrations: Professional Flight, Aviation Management

Aviation Administration

Bachelor of Science

Biology is the study of life. To understand biology, students need to have a working knowledge of all sciences. The Fairmont State University Biology program gives students the broad based education they need to succeed.

Bachelor of Science

Business Administration students at Fairmont State University should expect courses in accounting, management information systems, management, marketing, finance and economics.

Concentrations: Business, Data Analytics, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management

Business Administration

Bachelor of ScienceMinor Available

From Chemical Principles to Biochemistry, the classes and curriculum required for a Chemistry degree at Fairmont State University are approved by the American Chemical Society.

Bachelor of Science

Overall, the Civil Engineering Technology program curriculum is based in instruction in mathematics, science, written communication, oral communication, and economics.
Civil Engineering Technology

Associate of ScienceBachelor of Science

The Department of Humanities at Fairmont State University offers the Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts. This is a liberal arts degree. The Department also provides a minor for the students with an interest in communication.
Communication Arts

Bachelor of ArtsMinor Available

The Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health provides students with the knowledge and skills to work in community-based programs. The focus of the degree is to prepare health professionals who can assess needs, plan and implement programs, conduct research, communicate health information, and serve as a health resource person. Courses are designed with hands-on learning in mind. Students participate in projects where they are meeting a real community's health needs.
Community Health Promotion

Bachelor of ArtsMinor Available

Computer science is the study of the theoretical foundations of computing and their applications in computer systems. It involves the study and implementation of the algorithmic processes that describe and transform information

Concentrations: Cybersecurity

Computer Science

Bachelor of ScienceMinor Available

The Creative Writing Minor offers an exploration of creative writing via the study and practice in several genres, including poetry, fiction, non-fiction, writing for multimedia, journalism, and writing for social media.
Creative Writing

Minor Only

As fraudulent groups and people seek to steal pertinent data, the importance of cybersecurity has never been greater. The Cybersecurity Minor offers an overview of programming, computer and network security, network administration, and cryptography fields.

Minor Only

This 30-hour asynchronous online program is your gateway to success in the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity. This online program is tailored for busy professionals.
Cybersecurity and Risk Management, M.S.

Masters of Science

The Data Science Minor allows students to gain literacy in data science methods and understand their implications for society and the world. This minor helps you apply your understanding of data science to other disciplines and gain skills and fluency to work with data in your area of study.
Data Science

Minor Only

The Masters of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Leadership is a 30-credit hour online degree program that can be completed in as little as one year. This degree program includes principal licensure (18-credit hours), a superintendent endorsement (6-credit hours), and an applied research component (6-credit hours). Candidates will develop real-world skills through hands-on experiences with education leaders while learning to implement best practices based on current research in the field.
Educational Leadership

Masters of Education

The purpose of the Post-master's Educational Leadership Certification program is to increase the supply of effective and well-prepared school leaders in public schools in West Virginia. These school leaders will be ready to serve as instructional leaders in the state’s diverse student population in meeting high standards for student achievement.
Educational Leadership Certification

Graduate Certificate

The Master of Science degree in Engineering Management (MSET) is a 30-credit, online graduate program designed to provide the knowledge and skills to work in management positions in business, engineering, and industry. The program has an emphasis in designing innovative engineering and technology solutions and applications.
Engineering Management

Masters of Science

Foster your fascination with the written word through Fairmont State’s English and literature courses. Delve into writings produced during America’s early history. Analyze the works of William Shakespeare. Learn to be the successful author of your own thoughts and ideas. Our English instructors will help you master elements of literature, culture and writing.

Concentrations: Creative Writing, Literature, Writing for the Workplace


Bachelor of ArtsMinor Available

The English Education major at Fairmont State University is a teaching specialization for students who want to teach English at the high school and middle school level (5-12).
English Education

Bachelor of Arts in Education

The Exercise Science program integrates the theories and practicalities of exercise physiology in preparing graduates for a career in the field of health and fitness. This is achieved through an understanding of the science of human movement and physiology, coupled with essential hands-on experiences that culminate in an internship in a health/fitness facility.

Concentrations: Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology

Exercise Science

Bachelor of ScienceMinor Available

The Exercise Science M.Ed. program prepares students for advanced exercise science positions and/or further graduate level education through graduate course work, laboratory experiences, applied research, internships, and student-faculty interactions.
Exercise Science, M.Ed.

Masters of Education

All types of folklore – agricultural and industrial, rural and urban – are important in society. Folklore studies students will graduate with an understanding of the historical relevance and present importance of folklore. This 19-hour folklore/folklife program involves the examination and analysis of traditional expressive culture in all its forms, including oral, customary, and material.
Folklore Studies

Minor Only

The Forensic Investigative Science minor is open to all students, except Forensic Science majors. This is a rare opportunity that allows students to take courses such as crime scene investigation, introduction to forensic science, and forensic biology. It is an opportunity for students to learn and apply real techniques used in forensics.
Forensic and Investigative Science

Minor Only

Our mission as a forensic science program is to develop professional, ethical graduates whose competence in problem-solving, legal analysis and application, quantitative reasoning, investigation and scientific laboratory procedures can be applied to immediate employment or advanced study.
Forensic Science

Bachelor of Science

French is the world’s second-most studied second language, right after English. It is a language of diplomacy, international organizations, cultural innovation, and scientific research.

Minor Only

The game design minor lets students explore the process and principles of game design and the associated theories of interactive media. The minor provides an introductory experience to media-centric software development that enables students to prototype and test their own designs.
Game Design

Minor Only

A Geographic Information Science minor produces graduates who think spatially, are better able to interpret data, and critically apply theory and practice across disciplines.
Geographic Information Science

Minor Only

Instructors emphasize a curriculum that encourages creativity coupled with the development of technical skills. Graphic Design Technology students need to master both to succeed in the graphics industry.
Graphic Design

Bachelor of ScienceMinor Available

A 100% online graduate program designed to give working professionals the experience and skills they need to assume leadership positions in healthcare. A curriculum that goes beyond theory – designed by professionals so everything you learn is directly applicable to day-to-day leadership decision-making.
Healthcare Administration, M.S.

Masters of Science

This is a comprehensive program, which is designed to provide health professionals with the education to become administrators in health care agencies. The curriculum is directed toward developing the management, problem-solving, finance, and interpersonal skills that are necessary for careers in a variety of healthcare organizations. An additional intent of the program is to provide career advancement opportunities for those who are already employed in healthcare organizations.

Concentrations: Health Information Technology, Healthcare Marketing, Nonprofit Agency Management, Wellness Leadership

Healthcare Management

Bachelor of ScienceMinor Available

Fairmont State University's Hybrid Weekend ASN  (4 consecutive semesters, including summer) is designed for individuals who cannot attend regular weekday classes due to personal or professional obligations. Classes and clinical are held Friday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays with general education and support courses being offered online, during the week in the evenings, or during the summer.  Students are encouraged to complete all non-nursing support courses prior to entering the program.
Hybrid/Weekend ASN

Associate of Science

Information systems are concerned with the information computer systems can provide to help a company, non-profit or government agency define and achieve overall goals. Faculty combines business management principles and instruction in the tools and technologies used within computerized information systems.
Information Systems Management

Bachelor of ScienceMinor Available

Participants in this program develop the skills, knowledge and dispositions needed to design technology-based media rich learning environments and become instructional leaders and agents of change in formal and Informal educational settings.
Instructional Design and Technology

Masters of Education

The non-traditional program is best for LPNs who have completed their support courses for nursing. The nursing courses are taught asynchronously online. Clinical experiences are conducted two days each month. Students should possess basic computer skills, have computer access, and a high-speed Internet connection.

Associate of Science

The Master of Architecture degree program at Fairmont State emphasizes the cultural, geographic, and historical conditions that distinguish the character of the Appalachian Region. The program’s studio projects typically provide an opportunity to explore the revitalization of the region’s smaller cities and towns through the design of innovative architectural interventions.
Master of Architecture

Master of Archictecture

Fairmont State's online Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree is ideal for those who already have a bachelor's degree or higher in liberal arts (e.g., English, Social Studies, Spanish), fine arts (e.g., Art), scientific fields (e.g., Biology, Chemistry, General Science), or health fields (e.g., Exercise Science) and are interested in becoming a licensed teacher.
Master of Arts in Teaching

Master of Arts

The accredited Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is a 36-credit hour residential program with a focus on real world practice. The program prepares students to apply concepts and principles of various business disciplines in order to become effective in management positions. Students can choose a “fast track” and earn their MBA degree in just 12 months from August to July. The program is designed to accommodate both business and non-business undergraduate students.
Master of Business Administration

Masters of Business Administration

The mission of the mathematics degree programs is to equip students with analytic and problem solving skills for careers and graduate work. Classes develop student abilities and aptitudes to apply mathematical methods and ideas not only to problems in mathematics and related fields such as the sciences, computer science, actuarial science, or statistics, but also to virtually any area of inquiry.

Bachelor of Science

The Department of Computer Science and Mathematics cooperates with the Department of Education in meeting its mission to prepare candidates for a Bachelors of Arts degree in Education with mathematics teaching endorsement for grades 5-9. This mathematics endorsement prepares teacher candidates for general mathematics through Algebra I. 
Mathematics Education

Bachelor of Arts

Of all the Fairmont State University engineering programs, the Mechanical Engineering Technology program is the broadest and most diverse. The hands-on experiences are distinct. By using advanced mathematics, science and problem solving students complete the program with tangible projects.
Mechanical Engineering Technology

Associate of ScienceBachelor of Science

The mission of the Masters of Education in Multi-Categorical Special Education with Autism program is to prepare reflective and responsive educators who possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to help individuals with exceptionalities learn.
Multi-Categorical Special Education with Autism

Masters of Education

When you enroll in the Musical Arts Minor you will obtain a deeper understanding of music which will enhance your experiences both as a performer and an audience member, leading to a lifetime of musical enjoyment.
Musical Arts

Minor Only

The Nutrition Science minor provides students the opportunity to study food and nutrients, their physiological functions, nutritional requirements, and the myriad of influences on food choice and eating behavior throughout the lifecycle. Our program provides students with knowledge essential to nutritional sciences and the ability to develop critical thinking and professional communication skills throughout the lifecycle of basic foods
Nutrition Science

Minor Only

The Outdoor Recreation Leadership Minor provides students pursuing any career path, with an opportunity to increase their employability through the development of leadership skills. Using the outdoors as a learning platform, students engage in classroom and field-based coursework to develop skills in leadership, theoretical knowledge, and teaching that complement their academic major’s area of expertise.
Outdoor Recreation Leadership

Minor Only

The physical education program is designed to prepare teacher candidates with the interdisciplinary knowledge to teach, motivate, and facilitate skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness in school, wellness, and sport-based environments.
Physical Education

Bachelor of Arts in Education

Physics students utilize mathematical methods, observation and critical reasoning to describe and analyze relationships between properties of matter and the interactions that cause things to change.

Minor Only

Our program provides early teaching opportunities in middle school classrooms, workshops in association with the NASA IV&V Educator Resource Center, participation in professional organizations, opportunities for public outreach international travel, and research experiences using radio telescopes at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, WV.
Physics Education

Bachelor of Arts in Education

The purpose of the Principal Certificate program is to increase the supply of effective and well-prepared school leaders in public schools in West Virginia. These school leaders will be ready to serve as instructional leaders in the state’s diverse student population in meeting high standards for student achievement.
Principal Certificate

Graduate Certificate

The Masters of Education (M.Ed.) Degree in Professional Studies is a 30 credit hour graduate program designed to prepare you with the practical knowledge and intellectual capabilities to meet emerging needs of diverse professional work environments. The online delivery format gives you the flexibility to earn an advanced degree while remaining at a distant location.
Professional Studies

Masters of Education

Fairmont State Psychology classes consist of philosophical, biological, and social frameworks of human behaviors and their clinical and organizational applications. Psychology majors graduate with an in depth understanding of mental functions and behaviors. Courses are laced with applied and theoretical information.

Concentrations: Behavioral Analytics


Bachelor of ScienceMinor Available

The Reading Specialist program prepares candidates to serve as Pre-K to Adult reading specialists who offer literacy leadership and work with other educators to evaluate students' reading abilities, plan assessments, and provide appropriate reading and writing instruction and support for struggling readers.
Reading Specialist

Masters of Education

The Regents Bachelor of Arts (RBA) Degree Program is a flexible nontraditional academic program designed for adults in the belief that they are distinctly different in their educational needs and pursuits.
Regents Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts

The RN-BSN program is designed for registered nurses who desire a bachelor of science in nursing degree. It provides career mobility for the associate degree and diploma graduate nurse. The program is designed to prepare nurse generalists who function as a leader, manager, and advocate when providing patient-centered care in an inter-professional collaborative environment using knowledge, skills, professional values, critical thinking, and professional development.

Bachelor of Science

Air Force ROTC courses are now available to full-time Fairmont State students at no additional charge by Fairmont State. The Air Force courses are offered on the West Virginia University (WVU) campus in Morgantown and are registered for through Fairmont State University’s Records Officer in Enrollment Services.
ROTC - Air Force

Army ROTC courses are available to full-time Fairmont State University students at no additional charge by Fairmont State. These courses are offered on the Fairmont State University campus for the first two academic years.
ROTC - Army

The program is designed for the BSN prepared registered nurse to conduct and coordinate school health service programs. A certification in School Health Nursing provides a new opportunity for nurses to expand their role and enhance professional growth.
School Nurse Certification

The Fairmont State University Science Education program prepares students to meet current expectations for classroom teachers. Typical classroom instruction and lecture is a part of the Science Education program. Science Education majors should also expect hands-on learning opportunities early in their Fairmont State careers.
Science Education

Bachelor of Arts in Education

The mission of the Sociology Program at Fairmont State University is to support students in developing sensitivity to matters of local and global justice, understanding their responsibilities as citizens in a democracy by engaging with the community, and cultivating an ethical view that respects the life, property, opinions, and feelings of others.

Concentrations: Behavioral Analytics


Bachelor of Science

Being proficient in Spanish makes students marketable abroad and for the growing number of domestic fields requiring bilingual workers. Elementary and upper-level courses prepare them for careers. Even students who minor in Spanish become fluent by the time they meet their requirements.

Bachelor of ArtsMinor Available

In alignment with the university mission, the Spanish program helps students cultivate the intercultural competence and linguistic skills that enable them to thrive in the global economy. Our program prepares bilingual and multicultural global citizens, who are challenged to excel academically, while undergoing a true transformation, as they explore the ways in which they will integrate Spanish with their future career paths.
Spanish Education

Bachelor of Arts in Education

The Bachelor of Science in Strategic Leadership (BSSL) is a completely online, accelerated degree program that will prepare its graduates for workplace leadership or career advancement. The BSSL degree is perfect for place-bound, working adult learners who want to pursue a leadership degree, but desire the convenience of online learning, and an accelerated approach that allows qualified students to earn a business degree in as little as one calendar year.
Strategic Leadership

Bachelor of Science

Students in the Fairmont State University - Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Art program will focus on creative and technical skill-building through exposure to and the practice of various visual arts media and the study of the History of Art.
Studio Arts

Bachelor of Arts

The purpose of the Superintendent Certificate program is to increase the supply of effective and well-prepared school leaders in public schools in West Virginia. These school leaders will be ready to serve as instructional leaders in the state’s diverse student population in meeting high standards for student achievement.
Superintendent Certificate

Graduate Certificate

The Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Technology curriculum is based on interdisciplinary content encompassing technology, natural sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, and general studies.
Surveying & Geomatics Engineering Technology

Bachelor of Science

Students in the Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages program learn about communications challenges of second language learners. They equip them with the tools they need to master English for their own communication purposes.
Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL)

Minor Only

The minor in Theatre Arts focuses on the instruction and practical application of skills required to produce plays: technical production, design, acting, and directing.
Theatre Arts

Minor Only

Fairmont State University's Traditional Associate of Science in Nursing Degree (ASN) (4 full-time semesters - fall and spring) is best suited for students who can attend classes and clinical throughout the week.
Traditional ASN

Associate of Science

The program is designed to prepare nurse generalists who function as a leader, manager, and advocate when providing patient-centered care in an inter-professional collaborative environment using knowledge, skills, professional values, critical thinking, and professional development
Traditional BSN

Bachelor of Science

The Women’s Studies minor provides students with an avenue to explore contemporary and historical women’s issues as they relate to traditional academic disciplines and human life.
Women’s and Gender Studies

Minor Only